Chrysocolla Wholesale Beads Manufacturer

Deep Blue Chrysocolla Far Faceted Chicklet Beads
Price : 24
Grade : AAA+
Size : 4x5.5 To 7.5x10 MM

Sky Blue Chrysocolla Far Faceted Chicklet Beads
Price : 19
Grade : AAA
Size : 6x7.5 To 7.5x8.5 MM

Deep Blue Chrysocolla Far Faceted Roundelle Beads
Price : 115
Grade : AAA+
Size : 7.5 To 9 MM
is fine Blue To Cyan Green colour opque Gemstone.Chrysocolla Gemstone is often
being confused or is being replaced by Turquoise Gemstone due to its
similar colour of Blue To cyan-green.Chrysocolla is also being used as specimen
as it is being mined in different forms which includes specimen structure
also.It has got hardness of 4 to 7 on mohs scale depending on the mines it is
being mined from or the structure of the Gemstone as the specimens are softer
in nature.Chrysocolla Gemstone is being graded as Semi Precious Gemstone.
Gemstone is being
mined from the mines of Peru & USA,where the specimen material is found
more in USA while the Gem quality material is found in the Peru Mines.
Gemstone Roughs are being sourced from the mines of Peru to the Gemstone
Factory unit of Jindal Gems in Jaipur to get the best quality Semi
Precious Gemstone Beads.The Gemstone is being manufactured in various
shapes & sizes to get best quality Chrysocolla Beads.Since the
Gemstone Roughs are sourced directly from the mines thus cutting the middle man
Jindal Gems is able to supply Wholesale Beads.